Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Reverse Osmosis Filter


The truth is that residential RO systems have a waste: pure water ratio that is set by the membrane supplier. The ‘waste’ water is required to flush the membrane and ensures that you can achieve a reasonable life span of 2-3 years before having to replace the membrane.  Any low ratio like 1:1 will ensure that the membrane needs to be replaced well before the typical life expectancy –ironically a bonus for the unscrupulous salesman who promised you the outrageous ratio.

Residential RO systems have a waste: pure water ratio of 3 to 5 to 1 (average 4:1) and the actual ratio should depend on a number of factors including water quality ,pH,  pressure and temperature.  In reality this ratio is set and predetermined, thanks to a flow restrictor that is sized according to the membrane output.


Sunday, October 22, 2023

 arturia microbrute manuals.

today i learned the microbrute has various settings controlled via CC values. this is all hidden in the 


now somewhat weirdly there is no evidence this file even exists on the official site and i've only come across it here


also found the Oscillator Calibration document (if you ever wondered what the two microscrews are at the back of the unit?!) AND the Board Schematics here


for ease of access, here is the list of Parameters available through CC

ParameterMidi CC #Value
Receive Channel1021 to 16, 17=All
Send Channel1031 to 16
Seq Retrig1040 to 41 = Reset. 42 to 83 = Legato. 84 to 127 = None.
Seq Play Mode1050 to 63 = Hold. 64 to 127 = Note On.
Next Seq Mode1060 to 41 = End. 42 to 83 = Instant Reset. 84 to 127 = Instant Continuous.
Seq Step Size1070 to 29 = ¼. 30 to 59 = 1/8. 60 to 89 = 1/16. 90 to 127 = 1/32.
Sync Source1080 to 41 = Auto. 42 to 83 = Int. 84 to 127 = Ext.
Env Legato Mode1090 to 63 = Off. 64 to 127 = On.
LFO Retrig Mode1100 to 63 = Off. 64 to 127 = On.
Note Priority1110 to 41 = Last. 42 to 83 = Low, 84 to 127 = High.
Velocity Curve1120 to 41 = Lin. 42 to 83 = Log. 84 to 127 = Anti Log.
Gate Length1130 to 41 = Short. 42 to 83 = Med. 84 to 127 = Long
Seq Step/Gate Mode1140 to 63 = Clk. 64 to 127 = Gate/Tap.
Pitch Bend RangeRPN 061 to 12
Local ON/OFF1220 = or 127

as a bonus, i also discovered the minibrute has similar parameter modification capabilities as documented in the MiniBrute Connection software editor manual ..

Friday, September 22, 2023

roland gaia sh01 sound designer software

 Roland Gaia

Sound Designer Pack. this handy post includes links to a huge grab bag of stuff - including all ze drivers.


as it mentions, the full set of drivers is still available from Roland



the macOS installer is also available further in that thread 


i made a single attempt at installing the sound designer on macOS 13 with no success. 

met with error "the installer could not install the software because there was no software to install"

after some consideration i  will probably try it  on windows rather  than work this issue out.


this java GAIA tool seems very handy, but i am currently after something to mess with system settings so i am hoping the above does what i hope.


Wednesday, June 21, 2023



There are multiple instances of the manual referring to the Row Select buttons, however these do not exist!!

Holding down [preview] then allows you to use the lower double row of buttons for the same effect.

"You can toggle the display format of the CC Num setting between decimal and hexadecimal by pressing the ROW-SELECT button for the upper left-hand row of buttons."

[preview]+[any of the upper double row buttons]


Template Grouping - "To step through templates within a group press any of the row select buttons multiple times."

[preview]+[any of the double row buttons] - slightly inconsistent behaviour, the first press does not cycle, but the second does. however after release only one press is required :?

Thursday, May 18, 2023

BOSS SP-505 SmartMedia Card

i had an issue with my card, the sp-505 was not displaying the card option under the system menu.

this gave me 2 questions

  1. is the card option only displayed when a card is detected? answer. yes.
  2. is it a formatting issue and can i format it on PC? answer. no and i dont know.

i managed to dig up an old PC card reader and succesfully read the card.

before i tried PC formatting, i weirdly discovered that i had inserted the card upside down .. turning it up the correct way answered my 1st question. (i must admit to assuming that because the card was inserted fully it was the correct way up).

i formatted the card in the SP-505, and it's Fat12 (reported by lubuntu).

there is no simple right click to format to Fat12, formatting to Fat under win10 results in being unreadable by the SP-505.

at this point i can't be bothered working out how to format using PC. maybe later.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

default DNS settings Archer vr1600v v1.0

 Advanced > Network > DSL

edit whichever is connected.

click on advanced to reveal DNS settings

Saturday, December 31, 2022

the magic of cv and analogue sync?

ye olde synthesisers of yore used a DC analogue voltage as a control mechanism, this is a simple document for my own considerations.

there are 3 basic variations of "sequence" voltage sent 
- Control Voltage, sends variable values, used for wide ranging parameters such as pitch.

In regards to pitch there are different systems, however 2 major protocols have emerged [Volts per octave, Volts per hertz].

The voltages used varies per manufacturer/device. CV range examples,(to demonstrate possible voltage range)
Volt/oct.  the voltage range demonstrates the octave range, eg 0V to 7V (7 octave range) and +/- 2V for pitch bend (2 octaves)
Hz/Volt.  0.0625V to approx 13V, (7.5 octaves)

- Gate, basically sends 2 opposing states, eg on/off, note on/off.

these first 2 are generally sufficient to send simple melodic info.

- Trigger, to trigger notes or used as a clock controller. 
for note triggers;  V-trig  is basically Gate. S-trig shorts the signal path and is barely used.
but, then there's also clock/sequence trigger, which is a pulse to signify note on, used for triggering drum sounds also step cycling some sequencers (eg sh-101 sequencer).
clock pulses are regular and can be used to sync devices, or to trigger arpeggiators or sequences. varying speed pulses such as 24 pules per quarter note (ppqn)

Roland DIN sync (SYNC24) is a regular pulse/clock (using 5v pulses at 24ppqn, Korg for example use 48ppqn) combined with a 0V=stop and 5V=start signal.
other iterations of this format offer reset and fill in

Useful Device Information

Akai MAX49
CV - 0V to 5V (1V/octave)
GATE - ??

Arturia Beatstep Pro
CV. either
1 V/Oct (0V-10V corresponds to Midi note 0-127)

Behringer Neutron
CV - 1v/octave

Behringer TD-3
Sync in - More than 2.5v
CV out - 1V to 5V
Gate out - 0V to 12V

Korg Monotribe
is switchable between either Oct/V or Hz/v, also between active high/low for Gate.
CV must be limited to 5V and gate to 20V

KORG Volca Beat
SYNC IN - max 20V
SYNC OUT jack sends a 5V pulse of 15 ms at the beginning of each step.